101th Anniversary of the Republic of TÜRKİYE

Start Date 18-10-2024
End Date 29-10-2024
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Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK and brothers in arms fought for independence for TÜRKİYE. These leaders used the Turkish National Army (Kuvayi Milliye), formed to defend Türkiye, to help drive the Entente powers out of Turkish territory. 1920: The Entente powers recognized the independence of Türkiye. The Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (GNAT) was established as the governing body of Türkiye. The Battle of Sakarya was fought between 23 Aug. and 13 Sep. 1922. Following the establishment of the GNAT and the election of M. K. ATATÜRK as president, the first government of the Rep. of Türkiye was established.On October 29, 1923, the Constitution, which defines the fundamental qualities of the Rep. of Türkiye and was adopted by the GNAT, ame into effect.
With this date, the Republic of Türkiye was officially established and a new republican regime was formed.

In his speech announcing the Republic of TÜRKİYE on 29 Oct 1923,
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK stated the following about Türkiye's attitudes towards the West:
"We are a nation that has always looked towards the West and has always taken our inspiration from the West.
We have always tried to learn from the West and to adopt the best aspects of Western civilization.
We have always sought to improve our way of life and to modernize our country by adopting the
most advanced ideas and technologies from the West.

However, we must also be aware that the West is not a monolithic entity and that there are different strands of thought
and different approaches to life within the West. Therefore, it is important for us to be selective in what we adopt from
the West and to ensure that we only adopt those aspects that are compatible with our own values and traditions.
Furthermore, we must also be confident in our own identity and not simply try to copy the West blindly.
We must be proud of our own culture and history, and we must strive to preserve and enrich our own unique civilization.
In short, our attitude towards the West must be one of respect and admiration, but also one of caution and independence.
We must learn from the West, but we must also be true to ourselves and our own values."
"Science is the greatest wealth of humanity. Science directs the future of humanity because it regulates the living conditions
of humanity and increases the ability of humanity to help itself. Therefore, the Republic of Türkiye will prioritize science
and contribute to the development of science."

Atatürk implemented a series of reforms aimed at separating Türkiye
from the Ottoman Empire and transitioning to the Republic. These reforms sought to transform Türkiye's
cultural, social, economic, and political structure and aimed to make Türkiye a western democratic republic.
The Republic reforms were changes made in governance and society by Atatürk.
These changes symbolized Türkiye's transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic and changed the country's destiny.

The main elements of republican reforms;

Language and script reform:
Turkish was recognized as the official language and the Latin alphabet was adopted in place of Arabic script.
This change aimed to westernize and modernize Türkiye.
Social reforms:
Women were granted the right to vote, child labor was banned, and education was made compulsory.
These reforms aimed to promote gender equality and the widespread availability of education in society.
Economic reforms:
Innovations were made in agriculture and industry and Türkiye's openness to the outside world was ensured.
These reforms aimed to promote the economic development and modernization of Türkiye.
Political reforms:
The transition from a monarchical to a republican system was made and a parliamentary democracy was established.
These reforms aimed to make Türkiye a democratic republic.

Atatürk gave the following message to the world during the announcement of the Republic of Türkiye on October 29, 1923:

"On the occasion of a historic event, the Republic has been declared by the Turkish nation.
This declaration clearly shows that our nation wants to establish a government based on its own will.
At any point in history, the Turkish nation has had the right to determine its own destiny. Today, this same right is in the hands of our nation.
The declaration of the Republic is a expression of the desire of the Turkish nation to establish a government based on its own will.
This desire is a manifestation of the right of the Turkish nation to determine its own destiny.
The Turkish nation is using its right to determine its own destiny today.
This right is in the hands of the Turkish nation and will be used."

"Sovereignty belongs to the nation unconditionally."1923 (Atatürk’s S.D.II, page 58)

During the Gallipoli War, Atatürk also placed importance on the communication of the Turkish army.
To ensure the army's communication, Atatürk took various measures such as using telephone and Morse telegraph during the war.

Atatürk also worked to ensure that the news sent to the Turkish armyduring the war was accurate and up-to-date.
To control the accuracy of the news sent to the Turkish army, Atatürk established communication centers for the Turkish army and oversaw their operations.

Thanks to Atatürk's efforts to ensure the communication of the Turkish army during the Gallipoli War,
the Turkish army was able to establish a strong communication network and make strategic decisions using this network during the war.
As a result, the Turkish army won the Gallipoli War, an important victory that shaped the future of Türkiye.

The Republic of Türkiye was founded in 1923 under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Atatürk played a significant leadership role in the process following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire before World War II.
Atatürk implemented significant reforms aimed at westernizing and modernizing Türkiye,
including changes to the country's language and writing system, educational system, legal system, economic system, and social structure.

Today, Türkiye is a country positioned as a bridge between Western Europe and the Middle East. It is a member of NATO and is engaged in negotiations with the European Union.
Türkiye is one of the world's top 20 economies and plays a significant role in sectors such as tourism, agriculture, industry, and services.
It is also a rich country with a wealth of cultural heritage, which contributes to the tourism sector. Türkiye is also a country with a diverse range of ethnic groups including;
Turks, Kurds, Lazi, Circassians, Albanians, and others. It is also a country where different religions such as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism coexist.

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101th Anniversary of the Republic of TÜRKİYE




101th Anniversary of the Republic of TÜRKİYE





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