5H8HZ - Tanzania

As of September 2022, I have started a new job at a project in Tabora, Tanzania. After getting the necessary licence from TCRA for the callsign 5H8HZ, as of 17 September, 2022, I am on the HF bands, mainly in the evenings and every other Sunday. (When I am on the air and suddenly disappear, some emergency work might have come up and I might have to leave QTH. ) The station is set in my office and the antenna is windom wire one, so please no“TURN YOUR BEAM TO…….” Also as I am operating from the office, I can not use SSB as much as I like. So back to digital modes, especially FT8.

As I will be working within the project, I hope to be on the air during my spare time. The rig is an Yaesu FT-991 running barefoot 100w to a 40-10m Windom wire antenna hanging between the roofs of my work place. When we move to the permanent construction camp area, I will have a much better elevated antenna.

As of 25 June 2023, the station is  QRT  with 157 DXCC worked 147 confirmed in LoTW.

Still missing Wyoming & South Dakota for WAS !!

Missing Zone 2, Zone 23, Zone 34 for WAZ !!!


I will upload my log to CLUBLOG and EQSL every day. LoTW is active now, log upload every few days. Please check my log at CLUBLOG before trying for a second contact on same band.Please see CHARTS @ CLUBLOG

Hardcopy qsl cards are printed and transferred to Istanbul. TA1UT, Bora will take care of the cards.

Using the Clublog-LoTW and eqsl is FREE!!!

For any direct requests please send 5 GS to TA1UT together with your SAE and card. Postage fees have risen to astronomical amounts, sorry about that!!

In meantime, NO QSL VIA TA BUREAU please as I am not using the bureau. Any card sent to the TA QSL Bureau will NOT be answered. Sorry but that is the way it is.

Also please DO NOT SEND any hardcopy qsl card either to my TA or 1B address as I will not be able respond.

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