TU/TA2YGT Ivory Coast

I am Yiğitcan, known as an amateur radio operator with the callsign TA2YGT from Türkiye. Between July 22 and September 24, 2024, I am undertaking an internship in Côte d'Ivoire. During this period, I aim to contribute to my professional development while maintaining my passion for amateur radio.

For me, amateur radio is not just a hobby; it is one of the most enjoyable ways to connect with the world, learn about different cultures, and share knowledge. Coming to Côte d'Ivoire, my goal was not only to gain valuable experiences for my career but also to strengthen my ties with the amateur radio community through participation in a dxpedition.

Throughout my internship, I focus on my professional development during the day, while in the evenings and in my free time, I take to the airwaves with the callsign TU/TA2YGT. During this process, I’ve enjoyed the excitement of hearing my Turkish callsign (TA) recognized internationally within the amateur radio community. Seeing many operators reaching out to me for QSO connections is deeply gratifying. Moreover, the publication of my articles on amateur radio in globally renowned magazines and receiving international recognition for my work has been a source of pride.

I have also been approached by many operators interested in organizing a dxpedition in an exotic location like Côte d'Ivoire, seeking my guidance and experiences. Sharing my knowledge and providing support to them is a responsibility I consider as part of my contribution to the amateur radio community.

The tropical climate of Côte d'Ivoire has allowed me to experience various conditions that affect radio wave propagation. Each new day here brings me new insights, both professionally and in terms of amateur radio. The experiences I’ve gained during this period will remain with me for life.

This adventure has been more than just an internship for me; it has been an opportunity to rediscover the universality of amateur radio. I hope that the connections I have made, stretching from Côte d'Ivoire to Türkiye and across the globe, will serve as an inspiration to my fellow operators in the amateur radio community.


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